2 May 2006 – Geneva

I woke up, showered and dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast about 8am. Madame Cadet doesn’t speak any English, so we played a short game of charades augmented by my knowledge of how to say “Thank you” and “Very well”.

Breakfast consisted of fresh coffee, bread, cheese, marmalade and jam, yogurt and a pie shaped cake similar to angel food but containing bits of apple. I ate quietly, stared at the mountains, and tried to teach myself useful phrases from a French book such as “Yes, it is worth price”.

Alex showed up promptly at 8:30 and we headed to the office. Lunchtime came too soon, and we walked over to a local shopping center to eat.

Horse was on the menu, but I settled for veal sausages (there was a time I would have eaten horse if I had the opportunity, but I wouldn’t chose to do it now). On top of breakfast it was a huge meal.

We walked back past the local exotic car dealership. They had at least four Bentley GTs in the lot, as well as cars by Rolls Royce, Ferrari and Mazerati.

Work went on until 7pm or so, and Alex dropped me off at the Ibis hotel. All I wanted to do was sleep, so for dinner I spent my last Swiss Francs on a Milky Way bar from the machine and followed it with a tap water chaser. I had to get up at 4:30am to make my next flight.

Last updated on May 02, 2006 10:40 UTC

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