It was 22.4F when I got up and went out to deal with the horses this morning. It was a clear and beautiful morning, and outside of the fact that my testicles were trying to re-ascend it was nice. Considering that it is 23.6F as I write this, I doubt tomorrow will be much better.
I started my plan to train to be able to do 100 consecutive pushups today by seeing how many “good form” pushups I could manage in my current state. I did nine – try and top that. Guess I really need to start this program, and I will on Tuesday.
When I got to the office I made huge progress on getting the store room reorganized. Tomorrow I’ll take the truck so that I can haul a bunch of stuff to the dump and I should be finished with Phase 1. Phase 2 involves painting, and I might be able to do that on Saturday.
At lunch we went to the Brewery. Every year they do this promotion where in December you get a card for every meal you eat and then in January you can redeem them for prizes. We had a stack at the office, and while Matt and Donald won free coffees, Dave and I managed to both win $20 gift certificates, which we immediately applied to the check to make the meal basically free.
Told you it was a good day.
Made it home in the daylight and got the barn ready as well as finished a project I’d been working on over the holiday. It’s a stand to hold used cedar posts that I have removed from places around the farm that I might was to reuse at a later date.
In the evening I made a chocolate-almond cheesecake for Angelina. She runs a local restaurant that is my favorite place to eat in town, and she’s always giving me some cool stuff to try, so I thought I’d return the favor. Since hummus is my go-to snack food these days, she even named a menu item after me: The “Tarus Snack Pack”.
I’ve never had a menu item named after me before.
Oooh, I almost forgot – I booked a two week vacation for Andrea and myself in the South Pacific. We’re flying to Fiji for four nights and then Vanuatu for seven. There is a famous wreck in Vanuatu that is tempting me to get scuba certified. Considering my fear of water, that might be something to add to my bucket list. Considering how freaking hard Vanuatu is to get to, I don’t know if I’ll be back so this would be my chance.
Add to that my usual 45-60 minutes of guitar practice and where does the day go? (sigh)
Off to bring the horses in.