DSL’s a comin’ – w00t!

Dear ,

(yes, they left my name off)

Thank you for your recent order at EMBARQ.com!

You order confirmation number is: H123456


You will receive an email within one business day confirming your order has been processed. The confirmation email will include your scheduled activation date for the service you requested and/or the shipment date for any equipment ordered.

Learn more about your new service online at www.EMBARQ.com


You can save stamps and time by viewing and paying your bill online. To register for this convenient service, simply go to My Account at www.EMBARQ.com. Once registered, you will have immediate access to your account.

Thank you for choosing EMBARQ.

Please do not reply to this email as it is for information purposes only.

Last updated on Jun 25, 2007 12:05 UTC

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