Eat To Live – Day Four

3PS weight this morning: 219.0. And again the scale started at 218.8 and blipped up 0.2 pounds.

I have a number of vegetarian/vegan friends, and when I mentioned my new diet they have become really supportive. It’s almost like I’ve joined Scientology or some other sort of cult: “Yay! Welcome to out side!” (grin)

I feel okay today – still a little tired with a slight headache – but that could be due more to my workload than my diet. And yes, I’m still obsessing about this life change.

I didn’t realize to what depth it would be. As an example, I have a large number of cookbooks and magazines about cooking. Most of those will go into storage. I need new ones. This doesn’t mean that I’ll never cook BBQ again, but it will be very rare.

My friend Ziggy recommended the “Veganomicon” which I had to order just for the name alone.

I’m also going off Fuhrman’s recipe list tonight to make Chana Saag. Ziggy made it the last time we got together and it was wonderful. I’ll substitute veggie broth for the oil, but everything else is allowed. Yum.

Last updated on Jan 06, 2011 17:23 UTC

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