Eat to Live – Week 19

This morning’s 3PS weight was 178.0.

Starting weight: 224.8
Current weight: 178.0
Total lost: 46.8
Last weight: 179.6
1 week difference: -1.6

So I posted a nice loss on the week, but I have no idea why. I didn’t really do anything all that different this week versus the couple of weeks before, but somehow I managed to post a loss of more than a pound.

I had been as low as 178.2 a couple of weeks ago, but my pattern is to eat less healthy on the weekends and then healthy during the week, so I spend most of the week recovering from any weekend gain. This week will be no different so I decided to take a picture,


as I have no idea when I’ll see this weight again.

This weekend I’m hosting a “Siete de Mayo” party and I expect over 40 people over for food and drink. This is followed by a week of training where I’ll eat out for lunch every day with the students, and this is followed by a business trip to San Antonio where I know I’ll eat poorly.

After that, it’s off to Europe for a couple of weeks, so bye bye weight loss (or at least 178). I still have two more updates to do before I quit monitoring it so carefully, so who knows what will happen, but just like Cal Ripken decided it was time to end his consecutive game streak, I’ve decided that after nearly 20 weeks it’s time to end my streak of week over week weight loss.

Last updated on May 06, 2011 22:27 UTC

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