Eat To Live – Week 20

This morning’s 3PS weight was 177.8.

Starting weight: 224.8
Current weight: 177.8
Total lost: 47.0
Last weight: 178.0
1 week difference: -0.2

The lowest weight I’ve seen was 177.4 last Saturday morning, but then we had a party and I splurged quite a bit – lots of beer and chips.

In fact, it was all about the “tos” – Fritos, Tostitos, Doritos and Cheetos. What’s funny is that both Fritos and Tostitos meet my rule for “food” in that they have no more than three ingredients: corn, oil and salt.

The less said about Cheetos, the better.

Add in a piece of Mom’s birthday cake and I was up over 180 by Sunday. Now there is no way that I gained three “true” pounds in a day as that would represent a surplus of over 10,000 calories, but I did eat poorly and the extra salt intake didn’t help.

I quickly dropped back under 180 early in the week, but with training going on I’ve eaten out every day for lunch. With all that I was happy to be able to post a small loss on the week and to record a weight starting with 177. I should point out that for the last two days I’ve also done 40 minutes on a treadmill. Now that I’ve lost all this weight I’m trying to “tighten up” what’s left.

Today I also went in for blood work:


Last updated on May 13, 2011 14:02 UTC

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