Something weird happened to me today. The phone rang, and a man’s voice asked for “Skip”. I told the caller that he had dialed the wrong number, and if he would tell me the number he was trying to reach, I could see if he had indeed misdialed or if he had my number for some reason.
It turned out he had misdialed, but then we struck up a conversation and ended up talking for about 45 minutes.
His name was Richard Moran, and it turns out he is the author of Doomsday. Unfortunately, during the call the stoopid DirecPC DNS was down, so I couldn’t really search for him on the net. I know I read a review of his book somewhere, but I am not sure where it was (I tried but came up empty).
We talked about politics, California, Nevada, moving, and literary agents. It was fun. Beats ordering from the web to just talk with the UPS guy (grin)