Homeward Bound

I am sitting at the US Airways gate waiting on my flight home. Since I had an hour to kill, I decided to spring for the $6/hour Wi-Fi from T-Mobile. I always feel weird actually paying for Wi-Fi, but $6 is my threshold as long as I can get an hour’s worth of work done.

I was hungry so I wandered around the terminal looking for a place to eat. SFO, at least this terminal, is a throwback to the old days of airports with small, unattractive and expensive “gift” shops, news stands and small Mom and Pop fast food.

I’ve gotten used to brand name stores, chain fast food and, well, nicer amenities.

At the M&P place, I had a $3.50 “SF Dog” and a grape Snapple. Envy me.

Last updated on Aug 15, 2005 18:28 UTC

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