Important Safety Tip

A few years ago some friends of mine sold me a car. I like this car very much and I tend to dote on it. While I’ve been too busy to work on it much lately, I did find some time to give it a much needed bath and to put on the winter tires.

I need to explain: my friends used to live in the frozen mid-west and they had two sets of wheels for the car. One is a set of snow tires. While we don’t get much call for them in North Carolina, I tend to put them on around mid-November and remove them around mid-March.

This time I was pretty upset with the dealer (the last person to work on my wheels) as they has overtightened the wheel bolts, way past the 85 ft-lbs of torque required. I did manage to get the “summer” wheels off without too much damage to myself or the rims, but I wasn’t happy.

Unfortunately, after putting on the winter rims I started noticing some weirdness when braking. Yesterday the car developed a definite noise (a periodic “whup whup whup” sound) although the tires looked fine. Today when I drove to the co-op market, it was even more pronounced and I could tell it was coming from the front left wheel.

When I looked at it closely, I discovered the problem – the wheel was being held on by a single bolt. Uh-oh. I think I forgot to tighten that wheel when I put it on as it was the last one and I guess I was distracted.

They are five bolt wheels and I only lost two (two were barely on). I tightened the three remaining bolts on that wheel and “borrowed” one from another wheel so I would end up with two wheels with four bolts vs. one with only three. Tomorrow I’m off to the dealer to get some replacements.

Last updated on Jan 06, 2013 23:09 UTC

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