Of Crab and Kali

Another cool day in Chi-town. I haven’t been able to sleep well, so I woke up about 4:30 and, gasp, decided to hit the gym.

I’ve been running lately, and the fitness center at the Blackstone is freakin’ amazing. The treadmills have iPod adapters and 15 inch screens, so I was able to run and watch Angel.

Then it was shower, grab breakfast and off to work. CBOE is a great client. We had fun, finished the day a bit early, and then I met up with some old friends who work at The Northern Trust.

Turns out their new offices are literally two blocks away from CBOE, and it was such a nice day that we decided to walk north of the river to a place called Sable for drinks.

The scotch list was six pages of small type. w00t

After chatting for awhile we made our 6:30 reservation over at our default hangout, Shaw’s Crab House. Even though July doesn’t have an “r” in its name, we split a dozen oysters …


… and Demetri took advantage of the soft shelled crab:


I had the crab cake.

Between drinks and dinner Andrea called to tell me that I was the proud owner of a new, totally black, 11 week old Doberman puppy.


We name our dogs after goddesses (they are all female), and since this dog is so black we’ve named her Kali (the black one). We had two independent people suggest Chloe, so it kinda fits.


So now I have two cats, three Dobermans, four horses and about 100 geckos.

Envy me.

Last updated on Jul 13, 2011 04:00 UTC

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