Off to Yurrip

Well, I’m about 2 hours into an 8 hour layover at Gatwick, on my way to Geneva. My friend Alex is picking me up and and taking me to his house in the French Alps for the weekend. I would be worried about how awake I will be by the time I get there, but since Alex just came back from the States yesterday, I think we’ll both be battling jet lag.

I’m chillin’ in the BA lounge and trying to get caught up on work. As usual, there’s a lot of work work and a lot of farm work.

Elaine, our horse vet, was at the farm this morning (yesterday morning?) for her semi-annual visit.


Part of it involved “floating” the horses teeth. Horse teeth keep growing, and they occasionally need to be filed down. It’s a pretty freaky process: the horse is sedated (which makes ’em kinda loopy), a big metal brace that would look normal on Hannibal Lecter is used to hold the horse’s mouth open, and a power tool with a rotating file disk on the end is used to do the actual grinding. The powered tooth comes out like smoke.

Last updated on Sep 21, 2007 08:18 UTC

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