Rain and Drought Update

Well, once again it was an extremely dry August. There was no significant rain for the first several weeks of the month, and coming on the heels of a dry July it spelled the end for a number of my landscape plants.

However, things did change toward the end of the month. Just before I returned home from Australia we had a rather torrential downpour, with over 2.5 inches of ran in the span of a little over an hour and over 4.5 inches for the day.


This caused quite a bit of runoff on the farm but the rain was welcome.

This was followed this weekend by Tropical Storm Hanna, which provided another couple of inches of rain.


I am certain that my rain gauge is not all that accurate and that it measures low (the weather reports showed 4 inches of rain in our area due to Hanna but I measured closer to 2.5 inches) so we have had quite a bit of precipitation. In fact, it appears that the lingering drought conditions may be over (the latest drought map at the time of this writing was from September 2nd). I sure hope so but I’ll continue to hold my breath until we have a nice surplus.

Last updated on Sep 08, 2008 18:29 UTC

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