Random Stuff

I’m in Texas getting ready to head for the airport in a couple of hours. I should be home for a few weeks before hitting the road again, and I’m sure looking forward to it.

I’m way behind on this blog, so I thought I throw a few random things up here. First, check out this “bling” we saw in Hawaii:


It is huge (that is a full sized lady’s watch underneath it) and thus I can only assume this is Cthulhu.

Outside of the usual farm chores and work we have another distraction: a Wii.


Man, this thing is fun. Outside of Wii Sports, which comes with the console, we can recommend Rayman Raving Rabbids (a sequel is due out this fall) and Zelda: Twilight Princess. Many thanks to Bob who mugged a small child at Costco to get this for me.

Last updated on Aug 31, 2007 20:10 UTC

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