
With the exception of about three of my 45 years, there has been some form of frozen precipitation within a week of my birthday. This year will be no different, as last night the forecast called for both snow and freezing rain.

Yesterday it snowed a bit and then started to sleet. North Carolina is far enough south that we rarely see significant snow but we often get ice. It sucks, although it looks really pretty.

This storm wasn’t too bad. The sleet fell in pellets and didn’t stick to the trees or power lines much, but it did leave a nice, slick coating of ice over the ground.


The missing traction, however, did not stop my dogs from dragging up the body of a cat. I discovered it on the way to the barn this morning. I’m not 100% sure they were responsible for its death – they may have just found it – but if so it would be the first one in eleven years of living out here. I would think that being exposed to the cats in the house would make them a little less of a target, but Freya loves to chase anything that runs, so I wouldn’t put it past her.

Andrea and I both stayed home today, and a walk down to the main road shows that there is still a nice layer of ice on it. I’ll probably try to make it out tomorrow, but after it warms up a bit.

I’m still sticking with my diet change, and while I had decided not to check my weight every day I can’t really help it. On Monday, my 3PS weight was 215.0 – the first uptick since I started. I kind of expected it, since I had pasta and a small amount of bread on Sunday. But on Monday night I made onion soup with a slice of cheese and a stuffed eggplant with cottage cheese (both from the Moosewood Cookbook) and my Tuesday 3PS weight was 213.8 – so it looks like I can eat a little differently and still manage to lose.

No meat, little dairy, little oil and no junk food does seem to work in the weight loss arena.

I better lose weight tomorrow, because tonight I actually voluntarily ate lentils. I neither like nor dislike them, but I always identify them with Neil from “The Young Ones”.


Last updated on Jan 12, 2011 03:36 UTC

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