Someone tried to hack my site today. We are trying to sell our ten acre lot in Eagles Ridge, so I have been paying more attention than usual to the Transfer Logs. We had a few people hit the site to check out the lot, but today someone from TML decided that just looking at the lot was not enough.
As you know, this section of the web site is protected, as is the Eagles Ridge directory. The former is simply because I like my privacy, and the latter is due to a listing of addresses and phone numbers of the Eagles Ridge property owners that I keep on the site.
Well, my guest decided that he was going to try to get in anyway, so he tried guest, sortova and test as user names, none of which exist (although test did for a short amount of time). I decided to take this as a learning experience, so I learned how to block access to the site by domain name. Now, anyone from that tries to access gets to visit
I also ran a “whois” and I sent a short letter to the domain administrators. My site is hosted by Concentric, and as a major ISP they do a good job with security, so I don’t know why this bothered me so much. It’s like being sound asleep in a hotel room and having someone jiggle the door handle. In and of itself, no big problem, but it is still unsettling.
I don’t think I will react as much to the next attempted intrusion – this is just the first one I have caught. Hell, perhaps he was a potential buyer, and I scared him off. More than likely he was just curious, and decided to see if he could get in.
Of course, he tried to get into the Eagles Ridge site. No one tries to get in here to read my scribblings.
I know – I read the logs (grin)