Tarus Blog

Well, work has been keeping me busy as usual, so the blog gets ignored. I don’t have decent internet connectivity at home, and when it’s time to leave work I usually just want to bolt.

Which is why folks who manage to blog everyday amaze me. Especially when it comes to writers.

Now you would think that writers would be the most likely people to blog. I don’t. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day is work with computers, which is why I stay away from them and my blog. I figure writers must be the same, since what they do all day is write, so why should they do it for fun, too?

Since some of these people are my favorite writers, it also kinda pisses me off. “Stop blogging and write another novel,” I want to scream sometimes.

My latest find is Neil Gaiman’s blog. I came across it in a Slashdot interview with Neal Stephenson where it was mentioned. Thankfully, Neal doesn’t blog.

Another author who recently started blogging once again is William Gibson. I’ve been reading his books pretty much as fast as he can publish them.

If you haven’t got one already, I strongly suggest getting an RSS reader. All of these blogs (including mine) have a feed which will let you know when there’s new content to check out. Makes things a lot easier when dealing with folks like me.

Last updated on Oct 21, 2004 20:40 UTC

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