The Facebook

When I was coming back from my last trip to Italy, I had a layover at JFK. I stopped by the Admirals Club and on one of the televisions they were showing Fox News.

The talking head was going on and on about how he was on “The Facebook” and if you sent him a “friend request” he’d accept it, no questions asked. It was a little sad, really. I’m wondering if Fox News is going to rank the next layoffs based on how many (or how few) friends you have.

I also think it is funny that Fox owns MySpace, a competing social network site. Maybe they have decided to dedicate MySpace to focus just on child predators.

Anyway, my friends Bob and Kathy Summers are going away to Europe for Memorial Day. We usually spend major holidays with them, so we were now free to do something different. About the same time, Chris Dumas, my roommate from my senior year in high school, contacted me and invited me down to his place at the beach. Downside: small children. Upside: it’s near the beach and he has a pool.

Advantage pool.

Chris pestered me that I needed to be on Facebook, so I reactivated my account and actually started to play with it. It isn’t as distasteful as I thought it would be. I’ve uploaded a bunch of pictures from high school and had a little fun with that, although I’m still pretty much a Facebook newbie and plan to remain that way.

I have a problem with privacy issues and Facebook so I don’t expect to upload much. I also hate the fact that it is hard to break an e-mail conversation out of the system to make it a little more private. The only other social networking site I spend time on is LinkedIn, but at least it allows me to send an e-mail directly to the person.

So, expect this private site to be around for awhile, but feel free to “friend” me on “The Facebook”.

I’ll accept it – no questions asked.

Last updated on Apr 20, 2009 22:06 UTC

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