Weekend Update

Okay, it’s been a long time since I have posted while not being on the road. Andrea had me loading 60 bales of hay into the hay loft this weekend, so perhaps you’ll understand why I tend not to post much when I am at home.

Hrm. Where to start. Well, a few weeks ago signs started to appear on the main road leading up to our house.


They were finally going to pave the road (after 9 years of promising to do so). I don’t have an “after” picture, but trust me, any pavement is an improvement on 2 miles of dirt road, especially for someone on a motorcycle.

Yes, I have a motorcycle again after 7 years. Andrea and I met over BMW motorcycles, and since she wanted the Jetta, her insidious plan was to tempt me with BMW cruiser bikes until I caved, and then once I bought one to take the Jetta and leave me the truck. Her plan worked.

With gas prices at US$3+/gallon and showing no sign of coming down, I needed a way to get to work that didn’t cost an arm and a leg. Andrea has the longer commute, so it only makes sense that she take the Jetta, plus she has to dress for work and I don’t (yes, I am typing this at work, totally naked).

In other news, Andrea was promoted to manager of the budget department at the hospital. She tried to turn it down a couple of times before finally accepting, and I think that the best manager is one who really doesn’t want the job. (grin)

Hrm, what else.

Oh, I got an e-mail from a friend of mine in Australia that I had not heard from in awhile. Michele Buckley (née Pennell) is not only now married, but a mom. Andrea and I met Michele and Marty when we went to Australia several years ago, and we wish them only the best with their now growing family.

When we were there I was searching for a redback spider keychain or paperweight. Michele must have found one, because it showed up in the mail on Saturday. Way cool.


Hrm, what else.

Oh, we bought a new washer and dryer.


They’re pretty cool, and they came with a DVD on how to use them. Since we don’t have cable or satellite, it’s nice to be able to sit and watch the clothes tumble.

We’ve been harvesting stuff from the garden, and this weekend Andrea cut the sunflowers so we can dry them for seeds.

Before image After image

Andrea has decided to take up raising crested geckos. We had three and a couple of weeks ago she bought four more. I blame my friend Bob for getting her into it. Bob did have some excitement today: two of his gecko eggs hatched:


Finally some bad news. My Dad developed a severe urinary tract infection (urosepsis) and had to be hospitalized this weekend. He spent Saturday night in intensive care, but they moved him to a regular room on Sunday. He seemed much better yesterday and we hope he’ll be home soon.

Last updated on Aug 07, 2006 17:35 UTC

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