Officially it was a white Christmas in North Carolina for the first time in my life, but I don’t buy it. They are defining “white Christmas” as a Christmas day that saw precipitation in the form of snow, but I define it as a Christmas day where I awake to find the ground covered in it. That didn’t happen until December 26th so I’m still waiting for my first true white Christmas.
I had a good holiday, although none of them I have experienced as an adult compare to when I was a kid or better yet when I was in college and Christmas meant a four week break to sleep in, eat Mom’s cooking and hang with friends. Since Andrea and I went to Asia for Thanksgiving the season kind of snuck up on me, and it never seems to last as long as it did in the past.
But I love New Year’s Day. Although it is a somewhat artificial to mark the passage of the earth around the sun, a new year always feels like a fresh start for me.
I’ve spent much of the break cleaning. I don’t mind dusting or vacuuming, but going into the piles of crap I have around the house and throwing out things I don’t need. It’s really nice to be able to actually see the shelves in some of my cupboards again, and I’m not even truly started.
I’ve also decided to be more focused this year and this means (gasp) no Facebook. I’m going to try to use this blog for most of what I would use Facebook for, but even though it comes with an RSS feed my guess is that most of my peeps won’t want to deal with it.