Today was a decent day – not as cold as yesterday by far and I believe I may actually be catching up at work. The plan for this weekend is to catch up even more, so that I can go into the next two weeks strong. I’m off to Boise for a week starting the 22nd, and there is so much to do.
I’ve been thinking a lot about things to buy today. I’m feeling stronger about getting PADI certified, and I’m leaning toward doing it at Gypsy Divers. It doesn’t cost all that much or take all that long, so I think I will at least investigate it.
But if I am doing that, I should probably think about LASIK to correct my vision. I’ve been going back and forth for years, but the convenience of being able to dive without lenses may make it worth it. I shot a note off to my eye doctor to see if he still recommends Duke Eye Center, and if so I’ll get a consultation. Last time I went down this route the Youtube video of the former CFO of Duke Eye Center was enough to scare me off, but after hearing so many positive stories I feel I owe it at least a hearing.
Now, about the title of this post. One of the reasons I write this up on a private blog is that I control the information. This text and pictures live on a Mac Mini that is currently about three feet from my left elbow. The drive they are on is encrypted, and I can remove it at any time. Now this doesn’t mean that one of my imaginary readers couldn’t copy and publish what I write, but I doubt any of them would do that.
This is a huge difference from, say, Facebook.
I saw an article today about a cool bathroom scale. It connects to your WI-fi network and uploads your stats to a server where you can access the data from a number of locations. Now, what I don’t like about it (besides the price) is that there seems to be no way to host your own server for this data so that you don’t have to share it with the scale manufacturer. And what do they do with it? Once you register to you start getting weight loss ads via e-mail? I guess I could buy one and hack it, but I’d rather just buy a cheaper one (got one on my wishlist for about $50) and write down the numbers.