WordPress Move Complete

Okay, I think I have completed the move to WordPress. I like it a lot, more than MoveableType. It probably doesn’t have as many features as MT, but it is a lot easier to manage and it’s fast. The fact that it is open-source doesn’t hurt either.

Also, I couldn’t get the old site to look okay under all browsers (it kept trying to center everything on Firefox and IE).

Anyway, a couple of notes:

  1. When posting comments, you’ll need to put in your name. Euan added some comments, but it shows up as “Nobody”. You might even have to register (grrrr).

  2. There are new RSS/Atom feeds. The links are located at the bottom of each page. You’ll also need to authenticate, as I don’t think I can make links that are outside of the protected part of the website. For my Mac, I like the freeware NetNewsWire Lite which support authentication.

Please let me know if you see any problems.

Last updated on Jul 20, 2005 14:53 UTC

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